Ask your employer to hold a dress down day to benefit the Montclair Township Animal Shelter
Host a benefit party/concert, an animal-themed silent auction, a pet talent show, etc.
*If you run your own business, donate a percentage from each saleor service rendered direct to the animal shelter.
Hold a yard sale or a garage sale.
(All that old junk in your home could soon be someone else's treasure and more money for the shelter.)
Get donations for going on a long walk/run, long distance swim, mountain climb or similar physical effort.
Ask for donations for milestones achieved along the way orget pledges for donations when you've finished the task.
Hold a bake sale and donate the proceeds to the shelter.
Host a dog wash, a lemonade stand or a sidewalk sale.
All photographs are of past or present
Montclair Animal Shelter residents. |
Friends of the Montclair Township Animal Shelter
PO Box 3141 Montclair, NJ 07043 |
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